Brant has spent most of his week in this little blue pool. SO worth the thirty bucks we spent on it at Wal-Mart!
So, as you can tell, summer is in full swing at our house! We have been busy enjoying about the only outdoor activity you can enjoy in the Texas heat...swimming! Brant is like a little fish, swimming all day long only breaking for food and nap. He is really enjoying his summer so far! I think he is now starting to understand the concept of summer and the magic that summertime brings for a child.
Last week was Brant's final week of the school year and they had a "special day" each day of the week. He usually doesn't go to school every day, but they are all invited to join in on the fun days so he was extra busy last week. I think his favorite special days were water day and bike day. On Friday, the kids brought their bikes and helmets to school to ride in the parking lot, and then had Happy Meals for lunch. What more could a kid ask for? I am very thankful that he enjoyed the rest of the school year and made a wonderful connection with his sweet teachers. His teachers took such good care of him and loved on him during what has been a big transition for him, and I am so appreciative of that. He misses them a lot and has already talked about them coming to his house to visit. I am not sure that they make house calls. :) But we'll see. He starts a little summer session in a couple weeks at the same school, but with different teachers, and I hope that he transitions well. He is a smart and active little boy, so I think he will really enjoy all the play time with buddies.
Since my last post about Beckett's returning ear infection, he has also started his third round of antibiotics for the problems in his colon. And so the cycle continues... However, as of Tuesday, c.diff was not detected in his stool. So, we have to do yet another stool sample to try to figure out what type of infection or problem he is having in his colon...because their definitely is a problem. We are praying that they can figure out what is causing the horrible problems he is having with his BMs, so that it can get better.
Also, after losing a couple of ounces last week with the ear infection, he is now back up and has showed a little progress. However, he is falling even further away from even his curve and plateuing slightly. Despite this, we have been given the okay to stretch the night feedings to every four hours. So I am now getting a little more sleep at night (as is Beckett), but not enough to brag about! ...That is coming soon. ( More on that later). We will be continuing with his same medicines, but had to double the dose on a few of them in hopes of getting better results with his growth. There are a couple of other medicines we can try to increase his ability to eat before we have to resort back to the feeding tube. He is a tiny little guy, but the doctor noted that he does have a roll on his thigh (yay!) and some fat under his chin.
In other news, this weekend is our six year anniversary! We have had a wonderful and big six years, and I am so thankful for all of it.
Yay for rolls and fat under chins! The boys look like they off to a fun summer! I am planning on making a trip over to see you one day soon! Much love!