Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Surgery Week in Pictures

I would call this "Wordless Wednesday", but we all know that would be next to impossible for me! I almost always have something to say! :) But this will be "Few Words Wednesday"...
Standing in front of the Ronald McDonald House the morning of his surgery-- A place where BIG things happen.

An early morning and a little boy who knew exactly where he was.

Almost done now? Sweet boy did not know what coming. We try as much as possible to explain what we can explain to a two year old...but there is only so much that he can understand.

Oso makes a very nice pillow--even in Recovery.

This is on Thursday- 4 days post surgery- trying to stand.

He only wanted to be in bed.

We went exploring, and Beckett loved the trains! They have quite the display!

He was able to stand and play some on Saturday!

We got out of there late on Sunday evening!
Thank you all so much for your prayers and encouragement throughout the week- and since.  We are very thankful. I am amazed when I look at the progression of the pictures throughout the week.  It took him about another week after coming home to get completely back in the swing of things, but he is doing great! Beckett has been doing well ever since, and we know what a wonderful blessing that is.  We had another appointment in Dallas on Monday with the ostomy nurse, and we got his "special button" all cleaned up.  He is so tough!  The nurses are always impressed! Soon, I will post a more detailed update on how the last week and half since we arrived home has gone.

Thank you for praying and for your love towards our family.

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