Friday, July 15, 2011

In a world where every ounce matters...

Beckett gained about 7 ounces over the last 2 weeks! I was very pleasantly surprised when I put him on the big, cushy scale at the clinic. We now live in this world where a few ounces make a huge difference and can cause a lot of stress. The amount of weight he gains (or loses) determines if he will require continuous feeds through an NG tube. He still has fallen off of his curve, and needs to continue gaining at this rate in attempts to gain some ground. We are so thankful that he gained such a good amount of weight! Woo Hoo! Go Beckett!

His procedures (placing ear tubes, endoscopy, colonoscopy) have been scheduled for 8:00 Monday morning. Please pray that it all goes smoothly. Pray also for clarity in the endoscopy and colonoscopy. Pray that the doctors will see what they need to see, and the pathologists will be very attentive and get the information they need from the biopsies that will be taken. Through the scopes we are hoping to gain peace of mind by ruling things out or clarity on anything else that may be going on in his little body so that it can be treated. I guess what we are hoping is to gain is more knowledge. I am hopeful that everything will look good and healthy. We will slowly get different reports back from the pathologists over the following weeks. We are thankful for the timing of this and that the two different specialists were able to coordinate so that it we could get multiple things taken care of while he is under anesthesia this one time. Thank you for your prayers, and I will let you know how it went on Monday.

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