We have a standing man! Yay, Beckett! He started pulling up every now and then about a week ago. And then, this weekend, he just really took off, and now he is pulling up to a stand every time I sit him down. I walked into his room Saturday night, and there he was, standing in his crib. It is absolutely precious to watch him learn new things, and I am so proud of him! We are so thankful that his development has not really been delayed. It seems as though the ear tubes did more than help with his recurring infections and painful fluid. Emptying the fluid out of his ears has also helped with his balance. His gross motor skills have really taken off in the past couple weeks. He looks so proud of himself, doesn't he?
More good news to report: the c.diff (bacterial infection) in his colon is gone! We pray that it continues to stay away and that his colon can heal.
After his last GI appointment, we were given the okay to move forward with baby food. We were excited to try again. Beckett seemed to enjoy his sweet potatoes, and he was determined to feed himself. He got a few bites a couple times a day, and in turn, began to spit up several times a day and sleeping poorly. We tried backing off and giving him less and less, but that did not make much of a difference. After talking with his GI, it has been determined that we once again need to hold off for a few more weeks. His poor motility makes it very hard for his body to process the thickness of baby food. We are hopeful that as his body matures, and he reaches toddlerhood, he will be able to digest food. We will try food again around his first birthday--next month!! For now, his formula is nutritionally complete and highly caloric, and much more beneficial than baby food. We just need to take it slow. They reminded me that it is a marathon, not a sprint, and they reassured me that our little man will not go to kindergarten on formula. :)
Thanks for checking in. I will post again much sooner this time. We have been having busy summer days, and I just haven't been at the computer much lately. I will update again soon! Thanks for your prayers!
Way to go Beckett!! So proud of you, little man.