See that little glimmer of white on his bottom gum? Yes, it's his first tooth! It broke through on September 9. Yay! And let me tell you, there was a lot of hard work put into that one little tooth breaking through the gums...a lot. It is definitely worthy of a celebration!
We are celebrating the "little things" (and this literally is LITTLE) while we wait. Please continue to pray for Beckett's health and for the doctors who are treating him. It appears as if his c.diff has returned, or there is something else going on in his colon. His poor colon just can't catch a break! Also, we are so thankful that we were able to see the geneticist nearly 3 months sooner then expected! God answered that prayer with a big YES, and we saw this specialist a little over a week ago. We are now just waiting--yes, waiting, AGAIN--for results from some blood work. Please be praying for our family during all of this waiting. I truly believe God is working in my heart during this time of waiting, and He must definitely want me to learn patience, which has never been a strong point of mine. He is teaching me to surrender to Him and trust Him. I am learning not to live in a state of anxiety, but to remember that our God already knows exactly what is in Beckett's (and everyone's) future. He planned it out perfectly for our son, and designed our sons for His purpose. I find great comfort in knowing that God He is taking care of sweet Beckett and the rest of us!
I am your creator. You were in my care even before you were born. Isaiah 44:2a (CEV)
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