Thursday, November 10, 2011

Whoo Hoo!

After an exhausting year of appointments, tests, and surgical procedures, I am thankful to say that our insurance has approved our request, and our trip to Cincinnati Children's has been declared, "medically necessary." ...A bit ironic to say that something as drastic as traveling across the country for treatment being called "necessary" for your child is a blessing. But oh, what a blessing it is! It means that we have help in looking for answers and some relief for Beckett.

Because of this authorization, our insurance will reimburse us for 2 round-trip coach airplane tickets and a hundred dollars a night for lodging. We are so thankful for this blessing for our family. It takes a load of stress off of our shoulders. Not only will insurance cover this amount for this trip, but they will cover any other trips we make to Cincinnati Children's Hospital over the next year. Yes, we have been approved for travel to this location for a whole year!

Our new insurance with Kyle's new job has been such a blessing. Just feeding Beckett would cost well over $1000 a month without this insurance. We only have to pay co-pays on all of the things necessary for his feeding. Some of the medicines that aid in his digestion are even free to us! It still adds up, but we are so thankful for the coverage our new insurance provides. Insurance is actually doing what we need it to do, and I cannot express how thankful I am for this. We haven't had to jump through many hoops to get coverage for all of his medical needs. Dealing with insurance has not been part of the headache in all of this, and I am so grateful. And we even have our own "insurance nurse" that calls to check on Beckett and if we are satisfied with the care he is receiving. What a blessing!

Please pray for our trip to Cincinnati. We are praying for wisdom and carefulness for the doctors who will be treating Beckett. We are so hopeful for answers and help maintaining his system. His health has a big impact on his days and his development. Our wonderful pediatrician put it so well when she explained that "failure to thrive and recurrent GI symptoms and infections are negatively impacting Beckett's quality of life and making it hard to develop as a normal toddler would." We are not yet certain that Beckett's health issues are the cause for his developmental delays (primarily a moderate to severe speech and language delay) or more pieces to the puzzle, but I couldn't have said it better myself. And that is why we are searching for more answers and support. We have to know. And we have to do everything we can to help him.

Thank you for praying for our family. Thank you for praying that our insurance would authorize our trip. We are so thankful for praying friends and family. Thank you.

We are so thankful that this battle is not ours alone. We are not in Holland alone. Thank you to a God who is bigger, who is with us fighting our battles, and who already knows all of Beckett's (and our) days.

Brant: Mommy, you know when Beckett is at the hospital and he gets lots of shots and he cries and it isn't working? Well, God is always helping. He's working.

Wow. How do you respond to that? When your four year old is reminding you that while yes, it is hard, God is working. When your baby is crying, God is working. When it still hurts, God is working.

Yes, Brant. Our God is working. He always has been and He always will.


  1. What a blessing to your family that insurance will be covering so much! Beckett is such a little cutie and he is so lucky to have such a wonderful mommy. Brant's comment about God is absolutely amazing. He really gets it. I love how sometimes it's the children that help remind us of His faithfulness.

  2. Praise the Lord for this news, K!! So grateful!
