Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas Wrap-Up

Merry Christmas Everyone!

(at least I made it before New Year's!...barely )

It's a Christmas miracle! I got a cute picture of the two boys together!

Beckett enjoying his My First Anywhere chair. It is the perfect size for him.

Brant got a kick out of Beckett's toys!

Brant on his new red bike! It is now already covered in mud! He loves splashing through the mud. What a boy!

Sweet boy!

And I didn't even tell them to do this...ha! Brothers!

Just as it was beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here, it is already over! What is usually a solid month of cheesy Christmas movies, holiday treats, Santa t-shirts, and Christmas carols all happened in turbo-speed around here this year! It has taken me a little while to catch up, but we are ready to welcome 2012 tomorrow! I realized I really had to post Christmas pictures before December and 2011 ended!! The boys had a lot of fun this year, and it was really neat to see Brant understand what Christmas is all about. He also had a lot of fun counting down the days until Christmas and is already asking when it will be Christmas again! We are truly thankful for all of the wonderful ways our family was blessed this year...I can't believe this is my last post of 2011--a big year for our family: a year of challenges, blessings, and growth. I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year! See you in 2012! :)

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