Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Temporarily Going Private

I have absolutely grown to love blogging. Throughout the week, I often think of something that I want to share on my blog...although I often do not get around to it! I have enjoyed sharing our story with others. I am also thankful beyond words for all of the support, encouragement and prayers on our behalf over the last year and a half. It has been a wonderful outlet and a journal, as well as a way to share prayer requests during the challenges of caring for a chronically ill child. After a lot of thought over the past few months, we have decided to temporarily go private with our blog. I am going to work to transitioning our blog a bit and this includes a new domain name. We will however, set it up so that if one types in the current address, they will be re-routed to the new site. There are some things we need to get in order, including learning how to watermark photographs, and during this transition process, we will keep it private. I actually will probably not be doing a lot of posting during this phase of being private. We will just take a bit of a hiatus during this work in progress. We need tonlearn how to copywrite our If any of you have tips or how-tos on watermarking photography, copywriting, etc., I would be happy for the insight. Finally, if you are interested in following the blog or having access to the blog during this time, please email me at . I can then invite you to be a reader. And it would be fun to know who has been reading! :) Thanks again for reading, and check back in! I am so thankful for the encouragement and prayers for our family and our Sweet Beckett!

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