Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Day 3

Today was Day 3 at Children's post surgery.

It has been a long couple of days, but Beckett the brave is really a trooper.  He has started smiling and talking today- definitely headed back to his playful little self. He has stolen the hearts of many nurses during his stay here. He is trying so hard. We are very proud of him.

He has been able to start eating and has had some puréed foods and cereals.  He was struggling with vomiting but is doing better at keeping it down now.  He is refusing to drink anything including his all important Elecare.

Yesterday, he had two flushes through his new ACE (picture a tube coming out of his belly button that goes inside to his colon. Thi tube us used to push a solution through to wash his colon out from the top down). Then, we gave him one this morning.  None of these flushes produced anything. An x ray of his colon showed that it was dilated and very full of stool.  So, GI ordered a very high volume rectal enema (even stronger than what we used at home), and this was successful in getting out some of the blockages.  They are considering running Go-lytely (think colonoscopy clean out) directly through the ACE to try to get him all cleaned out and "re-set the clock." Then once he is re-set, hopefully, the ACE will work well. We have been told that it can really take a month to get his just the right flush solution and timing for success.  We expect the first couple weeks to be bumpy. Success cannot be measured for quite a while.

Beckett is really struggling with standing and will not stand or walk independently.  It is very upsetting to him.  Please pray that he will be able to move around more tomorrow.  Getting up and moving around will help the healing process.  This and drinking are two important things that we need to happen.

Thank you for all of your love and support and encouragement.  We are so blessed to have such wonderful prayer partners.  Thank you.

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