Saturday, October 8, 2011

Day 2

We are still here, and we will probably be here for at least 3 more days. Thankfully, day 2 is going significantly smoother than day 1.

After some slight mishaps, we arrived Thursday night at 9:00 pm. They took 15 mls of blood at 11:00 pm. And at 1:30, baby boy finally gave up and went to bed. He slept until about 4:00, and he was up and at 'em again. I finally got him back to sleep at 5:30 and he woke up at 7:00. That equals 4 hours of sleep All. Night. Long. Yesterday morning, I was thinking that if this continues for the duration of our stay, we will all be very miserable by the time he was released! I do not know how a one year old baby can possibly function on that little sleep, but apparently, he can! As a person who greatly values sleep, it is very difficult for me to understand. Anyways, I got him to take a nap yesterday afternoon for about an hour. And then, due to testing, he was required to stay up until 9:30 pm for yet another poke. I am not sure why they insist on doing this at such odd hours, but they do. I am so thankful to report that he went to bed at 10 pm last night- a huge improvement! I had to wake him up at midnight for another feeding and meds, and then he slept until 5:00, woke to eat, then back to bed until 8 am!! And no one disturbed us! So it was a MUCH better night. Thank you for all the prayers for sleep. God answered with a big YES!

He has had hs blood drawn several times since our arrival. His blood work from Thursday night shows that his TSH is high. This is a thyroid test result that indicates hypothyroidism. However, his active T4 was normal, so he does not actually have hypothyroidism YET. Apparently, he is headed that direction. They ran a thyroid antibody test yesterday to see if it is autoimmune related. We won't get those result back until Monday. However, they do not believe this to be the cause of his FTT because his thyroid has been followed over the last year, and this is the first sign of a problem. Yet, he has been having problems growing all along. So, they do not feel they can blame his thyroid for his lack of growth. His blood test also showed slightly low blood sugar..interesting in a kid who eats every three hours all day long and had just eaten half an hour before the blood draw.

He is now taking in 1250 calories a day!! His bottles have been increased to a whopping 35 calories per ounce! The good news is that he gained some weight! It is odd though that it takes such a huge amount of calories for him to grow. Most babies his age need 45-50 calories per pound. He is up to 75 calories per pound. Maybe he just has a super fast metabolism!?!

Our main purpose for being here right now is to monitor how many calories he is eating, collect all stool samples, collect a lot of blood, and weigh him for three days. After they get a good idea of his caloric intake and growth, along with all the test results, they will try to figure out what needs to be done for him to grow or why he is not growing normally.

Please pray that the doctors watching him would be careful and wise. Pray that a good new game plan would be in the works, and not just more of the same. I am hoping something will be accomplished during this hospital stay to lead towards a more typical lifestyle for Beckett as a one year old. I really want this to be our turn around moment. I really want to know why it takes so much for my baby to grow. Pray for peace while we wait as We are anxious for answers. Please also pray for continued sleep because it makes this all much more tolerable for all of us! Also, please continue to keep big brother in your prayers!

Thank you for your prayers and encouragement! We are so thankful!

"Come to me all you who are weary and heavy-burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

1 comment:

  1. Kaylan...I just read ur journey with beckett...can't wait to get together with yall soon now that we know we r so close together
