Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas Wrap-Up

Merry Christmas Everyone!

(at least I made it before New Year's!...barely )

It's a Christmas miracle! I got a cute picture of the two boys together!

Beckett enjoying his My First Anywhere chair. It is the perfect size for him.

Brant got a kick out of Beckett's toys!

Brant on his new red bike! It is now already covered in mud! He loves splashing through the mud. What a boy!

Sweet boy!

And I didn't even tell them to do this...ha! Brothers!

Just as it was beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here, it is already over! What is usually a solid month of cheesy Christmas movies, holiday treats, Santa t-shirts, and Christmas carols all happened in turbo-speed around here this year! It has taken me a little while to catch up, but we are ready to welcome 2012 tomorrow! I realized I really had to post Christmas pictures before December and 2011 ended!! The boys had a lot of fun this year, and it was really neat to see Brant understand what Christmas is all about. He also had a lot of fun counting down the days until Christmas and is already asking when it will be Christmas again! We are truly thankful for all of the wonderful ways our family was blessed this year...I can't believe this is my last post of 2011--a big year for our family: a year of challenges, blessings, and growth. I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year! See you in 2012! :)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry Christmas, Brant!

Our Silly Boy!

Christmas 2009

Christmas 2010

Christmas 2011

Our little 4-year-old, Brant, is an absolute hoot. He is precious. He definitely keeps us laughing and on our toes. Throughout this Christmas season, he has had some very funny moments. I am documenting it here not necessarily to start anything about Santa, but just so that his daddy and I will have a way to remember as this has become like a journal for us. I also thought it would be fun to share and might make you smile.

Brant: Well, I do know that you are the one who gives me presents, Daddy. I know there is no Santa.

Daddy: just curious as to what he would say Who told you Santa was not real?

Brant: points upward

Daddy: laughing Who?

Brant: God. God told me there was no Santa.

So, how do you argue with that? :o)

Our decision was that you don't. I promise we don't hate on Santa. We talk about how it is fun to play Santa Clause and people enjoy talking about Santa and dressing up like Santa. It is fun to pretend Santa. We touched on the history of St. Nicholas and what a kind man he was. We discussed that there are many kids that really love pretending about Santa, and that is a lot of fun for them--and we held our breath that he wouldn't run all over school sharing his news! :)

Brant's favorite Christmas song: (while baking our sugar cookies)

All of them...including:

Taste the season! Folly Jolly! Fa-la-la-la-la....

Brant's favorite Christmas dessert:

Needless to say, Sugar Cookies. He prefers the cookies with the most icing and both colored and silver (or chrome) sprinkles...He then licks the icing and sprinkles off and eats about half of the actual cookie. He just likes the real good sugary part!

Brant's favorite Christmas movies: (and they must be watched in jammies)

The Polar Express

Special Agent Oso Living Holiday Lights (Yes, it is definitely a classic...ha! sarcasm noted.)

Ice Age Christmas movie...yes, I know...another classic. sigh.

Brant's favorite Christmas books:

The Polar Express

The Gift of Christmas

Christmas in the Manger

Brant's thoughts on Christmas lights:

As we are driving through a local neighborhood--Why do we only have white lights? I don't want to have only white lights. We should get red and green and purple. And we need all those candy canes to go around our trees. And we need those Santa's to go in front of the driveway. And we need those...and lets get those too....and a reindeer and trees...

I guess Daddy will be very busy next year and you will be able to see our house from outer space!

Also, as we count down to Christmas, Brant thinks of more and more things he wants each day! And he has a new interest in Dinosaurs! I love watching him grow and learn new things. It is such a blessing. He made a Dinosaur Field Guide book today on the computer and said he is now a Dino expert. He even said that when he grows up he wants to be someone that studies dinosaurs....and a baseball player?? So, now that Christmas is 3 days away, he suddenly loves all things dinosaur. I hope he isn't too disappointed to not get very many dinosaur toys. After all, he knows the gifts are from mommy and daddy who do not have any time left to go to the store. :o)

Brant is such a wonderful gift to our family, and we are so thankful for him. He is such a loving little boy full of both funny and serious thoughts. You never know what you are going to get with him. He is very perceptive and understanding. He enjoys loving people and showing his love. He has so many precious gifts and is a blessing to our family.

We are so glad God gave you to us to love! We love you Brant! Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A Good Day

Every one was excited our first night back at home!
It was pretty precious to see how excited the boys were to see each other! I pray they will continue to be blessings to each other as they grow older.

Loving making some Christmas cookies! And he loves his winter fleece jammies! :)

Check out all that sugary goodness! And he LOVES them. This is the first year he has gotten to eat Christmas cookies , as we have dealt with allergies in the past. He is absolutely loving it!

We are really thankful to be home again and have our family all together. Thanks again for all of your prayers and sweet messages throughout our time there. Our trip to Cincinnati was very productive, and we are so thankful that we were able to go, but there is nothing quite like the comfort of your own home, especially at Christmastime. We are so blessed to be in our home as a family. It is a little hard to get back into the swing of things after ten days away, especially during such a busy time of year. I realized yesterday that I had not yet bought gifts for any of our sisters, brothers-in law, or parents! Don't worry ya'll, I got it taken care of now! :) I didn't even have any gift wrap! Ha! So tonight I will busy myself wrapping gifts for our kiddos and the rest of the family while watching a cheesy Christmas movie...and probably eating some Puppy Chow or Muddy Buddies or whatever you want call that wonderful treat! I am really enjoying getting to do my normal (and favorite) Christmas activities now that we are home. Brant and I even got to make some fantastically sugary Christmas cookies yesterday! He really enjoyed it, and now he is LOVING eating them. I have to admit they are pretty good. While we were frosting the cookies, Brant looked up and said, "Jesus, we are making you some cookies right now. They are for your birthday." It doesn't get much sweeter than that. :)

We got the results of Beckett's MRI yesterday, and we are thankful to report that it was "normal!" His blood work had some slight highs and lows that we will investigate further in the months to come, but nothing to alarmingly high or low...if that makes sense. We continue to look for a larger diagnosis (if there is one?), but we are thankful to have ruled out some things. We have been asked several times if we are disappointed to have returned home from Cincinnati with no new diagnosis, and the answer is no. We accomplished a lot in Cincinnati as far as Beckett's quality of life goes, so that alone makes it all worth it. And we may never have a larger diagnosis, but we will continue to do everything we can for his comfort and quality of life. His current diagnoses remains as gastroparesis (which really can cause a slew of nutritional problems), failure to thrive, hypotonic (low tone, "floppier" than toddlers his age), a redundant colon, ideopathic constipation, and global developmental delays.

Beckett seems to be enjoying trying some baby foods, primarily peas and pears as those seem to agree with him the best. He also really likes puffs, a "meltable" finger food. Brant is enjoying snacking on the puffs, too! Beckett has also gotten 2 more teeth over the last month making a grand total of 3 teeth! But I can tell that his top two teeth will be coming in any day now!

And here is what made our day yesterday really, really good: The hubby was holding Beckett and asked him, "Where's mama?" And the precious little man reached his arm towards me and smiled. It was an absolutely amazing moment for us. He has been reaching for me or Daddy or pretty much anyone and smiling, for a long time, but not in answering the question of who/where we are. In the past when we would ask him, he would not acknowledge the question or really even attempt to look up at me. He just continued about his business. We have been working for months on him acknowledging "Where's mama?" and "Where's dada?," and yesterday, he did it!! What a blessing! Hopefully, we will hear his little voice say, "Mama," very soon. For now, we are enjoying celebrating his recognizing who mama is and who dada is. Truly wonderful.

So after Christmas cookies, eating puffs, some special shopping time with Brant, and my little man smiling at me as his "mama," I would consider yesterday a very good day. Thanks for checking in, and thank you again for all of your prayers for our family throughout the trip. We are blessed to have friends like you.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Last Day

Today was our last day here in Cincinnati! We started the day with his colon x-ray, then we had an appointment with our colo-rectal center doctor. Those appointments went very well. We have found the right medicine regimen to clean Beckett's colon out on a daily basis for now. It may change as he grows, eats more food, etc., but they will be here to assist us all along the way. We are so thankful we came and feel like we accomplished a lot this week. Our baby is now having regular bowel movements (hopefully this will prevent c.diff from returning) and he is eating some pureed food. Yay! These are very big accomplishments for us! We have also been given the okay to let him sleep through the night! Whoo-Hoo! These are definitely milestones for us to celebrate. We continue to wait for results of some of the other testing we had done. Please continue to pray as the waiting can be one of the hardest parts!

After his appointment, it was MRI time. Beckett had to fast from 5:30 am until 3:00 pm when the procedure finally started. He finally got to have more formula at 5:00 pm! That is a long time for a little guy not to eat! He did very well with it. The MRI today went very smoothly. They took images of his brain and his lumbar spine. We do not have results of the scans yet. Oh, but I did forget to mention earlier this week that his colon biopsy was negative for Hirschsprung's Disease. We were not expecting for that test to come back positive, so it was not much of a surprise. According to the pathologists is colon is normal. For some unknown reason, it just doesn't want to move very quickly.

Beckett had a very nice nap in recovery. He was so comfy and cozy that he didn't want to get up! He just wanted to sleep! I think the week has worn out the little man...and rightfully so!

Here is a picture of him sleeping with the big fuzzy puppy dog that his kind nurse gave to him. It seemed to make his day!

We are so thankful for the progress we have made this week in his health care and are now very anxious to get home! We are ready for our family to be back together again and enjoy the rest of the holiday season. Thank you so much for your continued prayers for our little boy and our family this week. We are very grateful!



Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Miles from Normal

As we were driving through downtown Cincinnati yesterday morning, all I could think was that I could not believe we are here. Don't get me wrong, Cincinnati is a wonderful place to visit and we have enjoyed some fun touristy things while we have been here. But I never really saw myself here--miles from MY normal. This last year has pushed our family out of what we knew as normal in several ways, and there is just nothing normal about taking your one year old halfway across the country for medical treatment. Nope, not normal. Blessed to be here and surrounded by caring, helpful people, but still, it doesn't feel normal.

Today, we were able to see the very experienced director of Motility Disorders at Children's. He was very helpful in looking at Beckett--the whole child. He did not just focus on his poor GI motility but tried to put the whole puzzle together. He examined Beckett's developmental abilities and coordination. And in putting together this precious puzzle, he feels it is necessary for Beckett to have a brain and spinal MRI, along with more blood and urine testing. This means more anesthesia for our little guy. The MRI is scheduled for Friday at 1:30 pm, and yes, he must fast for 8 hours leading up to it...not easy even for a kiddo with gastroparesis.

Please be praying for sweet Beckett as he is put under anesthesia once again for this MRI. Please also pray for accuracy in testing. The goal for the urine test is the "first" urine of the this is possible in a baby who wets throughout the night and day, I do not know...So I hope it is still as accurate as needed. Some of the specific diagnoses that they are considering for Beckett can have a lot of gray area and are difficult to diagnose. So we pray for definite and clear, accurate results. We are hopeful that it will all be negative. Please join us in lifting Beckett up in prayer throughout the testing process. It is hard on a little guy. Please continue to pray for all the doctors and professionals involved--that they are careful and thorough. Please pray for hubby and me as we continue to walk through the unknown and new territory of taking care of a child with chronic health concerns. Thank you.

But Jesus immediately said to them: "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."

Lord, if it's you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water."

"Come," he said.
Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!"

Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?"
Matthew 14:27-31

We are thankful to our Lord and Savior who saves us, who reaches out his hand and catches us when we are distracted by the winds around us, full of fear and miles from normal.

Here are some pictures of the fun, touristy things we were able to do this weekend. We really have had a nice time between all the appointments and tests! It is a wonderful place to come visit!

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Nitty Gritty

So, I decided it was time for a more medical-type update of the nitty gritty of our trip to Cincinnati Children's. I will take a moment now to warn you that you may not want to read this while eating a snack and if you are really faint of heart, you may just want to skip this entry. I honestly have kept it pretty basic, but I know that it is still dealing with a icky topic--it's the colo-rectal center after all. For those of you who may not continue, just suffice it to say that we are accomplishing many of our goals in coming here. I think the surgeon described it really well when he opened his lecture Friday morning. He started with a picture on the screen of a boy who had had heart surgery. A certain hospital was advertising their cardio-vascular surgery department, and placed this picture in the New York Times. He explained that the hospital was very proud of their work--and very rightfully so, of course! But that they (the surgeons at Cincy's Colo-rectal Center) are very proud of their work, too, but the New York Times would never accept an picture of their work as an advertisement. It is just a subject that people prefer not to think about or talk about--and definitely not look at advertisements for, but that it is a very important part of life.

Thursday morning Beckett had another Full Thickness biopsy of his colon done. He had this surgical procedure done back in March as well. The surgeon takes a small piece of his colon and stitches it back up. This biopsy was to re-test for Hirschsprung's Disease (an absence of the nerves that push food through the colon) and test for Cystic Fibrosis Metabolic Syndrome. His last FT biopsy was not-conclusive of Hirschsprung's Disease, however, it did show a marked immaturity of the nerve cells needed for pushing food through the colon. So basically, according to that biopsy, he had the nerves needed, but they just are not as mature and productive as we need them to be. We should hear the results for the Hirschsprung's test in the next day or so, but the results for Cystic Fibrosis Metabolic Syndrome will not be back until later. Beckett was quite a little trooper (as always) for the surgical procedure, and we were headed back to the hotel early in the afternoon. He had a nice dose of IV pain meds, so he took a wonderful, much-needed nap with Daddy that day.

Friday morning began with a lecture by one of the lead doctors of the Colo-Rectal Center. It was very informative and helpful, and we learned more than many people will ever have to learn about--well, poop. Constipation can range from mild where the right diet and the occasional dose of Miralax are all that is needed to severe where bowel movements do not occur without intervention. During the lecture, a child-life specialist took care of the children, and I think Beckett really enjoyed watching the other (older) children play. For more information on the Colo-Rectal Center and Bowel Management Program, click here. We were then sent to another campus of Children's to have a contrast enema done. This gives the surgeons a good look at his colon and exactly what is going on in there. Our doctor said that his contrast enema did not look like a "Hirschsprung's colon," but only the biopsy will really tell us for sure. Then we headed back to the main campus hospital and waited for our next appointment with the doctor. At this time, we discuss the plan for keeping Beckett's colon "clean." He prescribed an amount of laxatives to start with. Then, each day, Beckett gets an x-ray done of his colon to tell if it is getting cleaned out or not. The laxatives are then adjusted accordingly. The goal is that at the end of the week, he will be on the perfect dose of laxatives--not too strong and not too weak--to keep his colon clean and avoid blockages and more infections, etc. The doctor expressed to us that there is no known side effect to laxatives. It is the only medicine he knows of that does not have a scary side effect. Many people will argue that the laxatives could cause the child to become "laxative dependent" but, and he stresses, "these children are already laxative dependent." In addition to the laxatives, we have also been doing something more aggressive then enemas called irrigations. It is as bad as it sounds, but I will not get into it any further here. This is done typically in Hirschsprung's patients or patients with bowel "stasis" to get the colon as clean as possible to prevent or fight infection called enterocolitis, and more specifically, c.diff. Because of Beckett's recurrent c.diff, they thought this was an important step for him. It does seem to relieve him when it is all said and done, but it is really quite miserable for all of us.

At the end of our appointment on Friday, we had been at the hospital for lectures, radiology, and appointments for 10 hours. It was a long day! Waiting on that many appointments to line up is not always easy with a one-year-old, but Beckett did pretty well. He was definitely relieved when we got back to the hotel, and he was able to have a little freedom to crawl. When we put him down on the floor, he stretched his arms out and front of him and his legs behind him, and spread flat out on his tummy on the wonderfully clean hotel floor (ick...) It was pretty cute to see that he could sense the relief of the end of the day.

Over the weekend, we began to feed Beckett some pureed foods. He started with just a few bites of pears, but has increased his intake each day. Of course, as his pureed food intake increases, his formula intake decreases. He is just not able to fit as much food in his little tummy as we would like. We are hopeful that his system can really get moving and he will be able to eat some while also still taking his formula.

Today's x-ray showed that his colon was fairly cleaned out. Yay! We are on the right track! The laxatives and irrigations seem to have done the trick! We will return in the morning for another x-ray followed by a progress report with our nurse. We came here in order to get the kid to have bowel movements, and I am certain we with the right medicines, we will be successful. At noon, we have an appointment with the motility specialist here. The Colo-Rectal center works on, well, the colon end of things. This motility specialist will work with the upper all the way through. Because his stomach also moves slowly, we felt it was important to see the motility doctor as well. Beckett is not just a colo-rectal kiddo...he needs support for his whole little system.

All in all, I think we are very happy with our trip here. God is working in huge ways. And I know that regardless of any new diagnosis, we will have a new plan to keep our little man's colon healthy, and that will be a good thing! That is our goal--to manage his bowels and help him to be healthy! And we will know that the best of the best have looked at our sweet boy. We may not be able to "cure" this issue--the surgeons here are the first to say that--but we can manage it.

Thank you all for the prayers throughout our trip and the entire process leading up to us getting here. We are so thankful to have friends--those we have known for years and those we have never met--to lift our little boy up in prayer. Thank you. Please continue to pray for all of the pathologists, surgeons, and GI doctors working to figure out the best plan for this little guy. Please pray for healing for Beckett, rest for his parents, and courage for his big brother.

I promise the next post will be a lot more fun with pictures of some of the cool (literally) things we have found to do here.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Days One and Two at Cincinnati

Whew what a day! Kaylan asked me (her hubby) if I could post an update for her. I am not nearly as good at this kind of thing as Kaylan is, so please bare with me. All three of us are exhausted from our adventure at the hospital. None of us slept much last night. Beckett and I took a good afternoon nap after the hospital visit. As usual his anxious mother did not rest that much. Hopefully we can all "catch up" tonight!
Everything went wonderfully with Beckett today. He is such a trooper. We have been amazed at how friendly and personable everyone has been to us. When I say everyone, I mean everyone! All the way from the time we stepped foot inside the Houston airport until the lady that escorted us back to our car after Beckett's procedure. I really feel like the good Lord has been leading us through our entire Journey and allowing us to meet some amazing people! Even the maintenance man that fixed the heater in our hotel room asked if he could pray with us for little Beckett, and if he could add him to his prayer chain at his church....and he did! He prayed right there in our hotel room with us! God taught me an awesome lesson...he showed me what it looks like to be bold and share your faith in Him no matter what the situation or who your company is. We as Christians need to always treat our brothers and sisters like brothers and sisters and not be afraid to ask if we can pray with them, and truly mean it! I have often told people that I would pray for them, but I have never asked if I could pray WITH them...especially complete strangers! I hope one day I can demonstrate that level of boldness. The maintenance man is just one of several who have told us they would pray for us that we have met while on our journey. I really appreciate knowing that my family is surrounded by other Christian families while we are away from home, going through what we are going through, and knowing that they are praying for us. Oh, and I am also thankful the maintenance man was able to fix our hotel room heater...ha! Texas folks and 20 degree weather don't mix that well.

Beckett Preparing for his procedure.

Beckett Showing off his awesome dress!

Beckett and Mommy

Beckett and Daddy after their 2 hour nap!

Showing off his Christmas jammies

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Ready for Cincy!

Ready for some colder weather!!

The time has come, and we are preparing to leave for Cincinnati tomorrow. Packing winter clothes for ten days can be very challenging! We are so thankful for this opportunity to get a second opinion at the #1 GI children's hospital in the country. Everything has fallen into place with such ease, and we are grateful. Thank you for your prayers throughout the process of getting there. We really do appreciate them all, and we know God is moving.

Thursday morning at 8:30 he will have an exploratory exam under anesthesia and a full tissue biopsy of his colon. Then, Friday we will meet with the GI doctor for the first time, and discuss Beckett and a starting plan. We will then stay in Cincinnati for a full week to implement the plan for eating (hopefully!) and stooling. Lovely, I know...but it's true. We will also have the Cystic Fibrosis specialist there to weigh in on Beckett. However, we should not hear results from that particular testing for weeks. We are hoping for some further help and answers for Beckett's health concerns. We just have to turn over this stone to make sure we are doing everything we can for him.

Please be praying for the safety and "ease" of our trip with a little one. Pray for the doctors to be wise and careful. Please pray that we will have strength and endurance as we do not anticipate much sleep these next couple nights due to the procedure. Please pray for answers and for healing for our little man. We are hoping to leave with a good plan. Thank you so much! I will keep you updated!

Now these pictures I just had to post because they are precious! Please pray for Brant while we are away. He is a little apprehensive about our trip, and we will miss him so much! He will be holding down the fort with all of his grandparents!

Putting the star on the tree!
Brant's "little collection" all in a cluster on the tree
An amazing and strong little boy!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Merry Christmas!

In the very likely event that I do not manage to send Christmas cards out this year, I wanted to post a Christmas card here. We are so thankful for your prayers for our family and wish you a very Merry Christmas!

It is so very difficult to get a picture of both kids smiling at the same time. Someone always seemed to be upset or not looking. :)

Beckett- 14 months

Ta dah! They both looked!

Brant- 4 1/2 years

The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him "Immanuel"--which means "God with us." Matthew 1:23

...We have seen his star in the east and have come to worship Him. Matthew 2:2b

Merry Christmas!

Love, the Laird family