Saturday, February 18, 2012

First Steps

I was trying to save this post until I figured out how to post videos, but I was too excited to wait.

Guess who is taking his first steps??

Beckett!! He has started taking a few steps around the house every now and then, and it is so cute. He looks so proud of himself! He knows he has done something great. He even claps for himself. And then plops down and says, "ah done" (all done). It's too cute. He loves to perform. I am going to try very hard to figure out how to post a video soon.

We feel very hopeful that he will "catch up" soon across the board and be a busy, chatty little toddler. He is going to be our climber, I do believe. He has just had a bit of a rough start with his health, but he is making wonderful progress. I think as he feels better and better, he will continue to learn new things. We are so proud of his latest accomplishment! Yay Beckett!

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