Thursday, October 17, 2013

Our Life In Bullet-Points


My blogging has been a bit sub-par lately. There is a lot going through my head, but sometimes it is hard to make sense of it all.  For today, I am going to keep it simple and bullet point my life. I will attempt to elaborate on most of points at a later date, but I make no promises. But here is kind of where I am at:

-  Read 7:An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess by Jen Hatmaker. Awesomeness. If you do one productive thing to stimulate your mind (and your heart) between now and 2014, make it reading this book. I have a project in mind, and I will share my favorite reads of 2013 soon. Just for fun.

- Kindergarten has become more bearable for Brant. He even admitted to liking school because he got to play with his friends. No more crying at drop off. Praise God. I love him so very much and I am so blessed to have him as my son. I am glad that I get to be his mom. He is such a special little boy who still loves the color purple. Amazing that I now have a "school-aged" child.  Wow.

-  We have made it to Dallas and home from Dallas safely twice in the last two weeks. Always an accomplishment. Praising God for our safety.

- Following said trips to Dallas, I got 4 new tires, tire rods (or something?), front end alignment, some other cool stuff that has to do with wheels, shocks, and new bearings (I have no idea if I am saying that right in my head or spelling it right as cars are not my thing).  Apparently one bearing was completely stripped and my wheel was at risk of coming off. See above bullet point about praising God for our safety.  Even when we don't know it, He is protecting us.

- I am not sure what I did all day in my prior life.

- Endocrine appointment went well. Tested Beckett for growth hormone deficiency but this is doubtful. Results are pending. Also checked for diabetes which was negative.

- Cystic Fibrosis appointment went well. We are working with the doctors at Dallas, our local pediatrician here, and the CF specialist in Cincinnati to come up with the best care plan for Beckett.

- iPhones are a necessity for parents of chronically ill kids. I have officially now had one for ONE year.  Life changing.

- 3 year check up went great! Ladies and Gentlemen, Beckett is on the chart! Birthdays carry a lot of emotion. They just do.  I am so blessed, I am so amazed, and I love that little man so very much. His birthday and the few days after it are the last time I was a "normal" mom doing normal mom things.  I am still doing normal mom things, but it just doesn't look the same. And there is a lot more thrown on top. 

- Every time I step foot into a children's hospital, I am truly humbled.  I look around, and it brings me to my knees everytime and makes me aware of just how big this world is. My heart breaks.  It reminds me that we are not guaranteed anything of this world. What we do know is God is good. And the promise we have is in Him. Our hope comes from our Savior. We know that God loves us so much that he would send his only Son so that we could have eternal life. We know that He is stronger and bigger than the hurts of this world that we don't understand. We know that God is good. And we go with what we know. Pray for all of the children (and their families) that fill these hospitals. They need your prayers and need you to lift your hands when they feel too tired.

- If you know someone who is dealing with illness in their family and want a way to help, get a group of friends together and purchasing a tablet for that someone.  It would be priceless for them. With all the time we spend waiting and traveling and waiting some more, I have no idea how I would make it without our little best friend, Mini. (I know we would make it, but there would be a lot more screaming involved.)  Many of my fellow mamas agree with this necessity.  Aaannnd, they are even educational. Anyways, just throwing ideas out there.

- Another thought: Church. Church is hard to get for when you have a little one that has special needs or medical concerns.  Parents of preemies feel stuck for months.  A great ministry idea would be finding those families and volunteering to watch their child for a morning, so that they can get to church.  Again, just another idea.

- My thyroid was biopsied for cancer. The C word. It was negative. Praise.God.

- I have taken up cooking, and I am really really enjoying it. Here is my family's new favorite recipe:
Except I add some chicken. If I sat a plate with no meat on it in front of the hubby for dinner, well, we would have a problem.  Thus, added chicken.  Even Brant LOVES this one.  Try it.

- We have had 3 dogs come through this house this year. First, Buster. He now lives with my dad. Next, we welcomed Turbo. (There was much disagreement on the name. I lost.) And now we have Lucky.  Kyle picked him up off the side of the road.  ALL BOYS.  I am very out-numbered.  I can't even buy a pink collar.

- I quit drinking Dr. Pepper.  Maybe that is the reason I quit posting on my blog.  Now, I actually have to sleep.

- My husband is awesome. My best friend. I am so thankful for him.  He seems to live with by the words: Challenge Accepted.  He is a rock star.

- I am blessed beyond words.

To Him who can do immeasurably more
than we could ever ask or imagine.
Ephesians 3:20

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