Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Our God is Greater

Our God is greater,
Our God is stronger
God You are higher than any other
Our God is Healer, awesome and power
Our God, Our God...

This song, Our God is Greater by Chris Tomlin, plays over and over in my head quite often.  I love it.  It has been one of the soundtracks in my heart over the last couple years. And I believe it now.

In January, I posted here about our unchanging God and how the same God who was taking care of our family when Beckett had reflux is taking care of our family now that things have escalated from reflux.  He is the same God right now.  He is unchanging.  His love for us never fails.  He does not alter. 

I have hope in an unchanging God.  Our God is the same today as He was when time began.  He is greater, stronger, bigger and He is the one holding me in his mighty hands. 

Thank you God for being greater.

Thank you God for being stronger.

Thank you God for being higher than any other.

Thank you God for being Healer, Awesome, and Power.

I am so thankful. Thankful that He will always be our God, the Almighty One. That will not change.

"I am the Alpha and the Omega --the beginning and the end," says the Lord God. "I am the one who is, who always was, and who is still to come--the Almighty One." Revelation 1:8

Monday, November 5, 2012

A Rocky Couple of Weeks

It has been a rocky couple of weeks around here--hence, my lack of blogging.

I actually realized that we visited 5 hospitals/clinics in a matter of 6 days...and over a dozen visits since we moved here at the beginning of September.

Like I said, rocky.

We were having a lot of trouble with managing Beckett's bowel problems, but things are going a bit better now.  At one point, we were (under the supervision and instruction of his doctors) giving him 2 capfuls of Miralax, 8 squares of Ex-lax, and 2 enemas a day to try to keep him cleaned out.  Now we are doing once daily enemas with a 400 ml solution...to put this in perspective, the adult fleet enemas are around 150 ml of fluid.  The enemas are quite a challege and it is nearly an hour long process.  He has had a lot of grumpy and irritable days.  I think he just doesn't feel so hot.  Hopefully we can come up with a better long term plan very soon.

We also made our trip to see the new GI doctor.  She was helpful and seemed eager to be of assistance to us.  The best part is her accesibility.  We have a way to contact her and should be able to get more direct assistance.  She has a few ideas, but she wanted to take some time and read through all of Beckett's files and see how he does over the next few weeks.  We will reconvene after Thanksgiving to make some decisions of what needs to be done--if anything different--for his quality of life.

Beckett also "played" with some wonderful new therapists, but we have recently learned that our insurance is not willling to cover anything.  So...we are going to try our best to get him in somehow.  Our new insurance is unfortunately not the rock-star that our old insurance was. But we kind of expected that because our last insurance was so amazing. We are very thankful for our new town and where we are. Hubby has a great job! The insurance just leaves something to be desired.

Please be praying for wisdom and quidance for both us and the doctors as we try to figure out what needs to be done for Beckett's quality of life.  We want him to feel good and have energy to learn and play.  He has definite good days, and he is so full of spirit and fun-loving.  But then he has lots of days--seems to be becoming more and more-- where he is really just content to lay around and not do much of anything. Please pray that we will know just where to take him and who to listen to. Please also pray that our insurance will kindly step it up a notch. :)

Thanks for checking on us, and thanks for the sweet notes and messages checking on Beckett.  We really appreciate it!