Saturday, August 1, 2020

Back to Blogging

It has been YEARS since my last blog entry! WOW! Life has been crazy-busy in a good kind of way. The kind of busy that happens when your house is loud with little boy chatter (and other noises little boys like to make) and you are surrounded with pillow forts and games of tag (  It's a blessed kind of busy.

So much has happened.

A third little boy. Bauer. Now age 5. He is such a precious blessing. Our little rainbow.

New schools.


More doctors.

New activities and interests all around.

Covid-19, Distance Learning, Social Distancing, Masks.

More Homeschool.

And that just about sums it up! 

I cannot tell you how many times over the last several years, I have wanted to start writing again.. Maybe our story will help one person. Maybe it will just be a way for me to remember motherhood and this sweet season of life.

Last year, Beckett, our middle son, told me that the only way your story can bring glory to God's is if you share it. (More on this later.)

So here I am. Back to writing. It would be impossible to fill you all in on the last 6 years of life, but I will slowly retell some of the key stories. 

Current Day: We are now officially homeschooling all 3 of our kids. Brant (now 13- holy moly) has attended public school for his entire school career, while Beckett (now 9) has been homeschooled for 3 of his 4 school years. So I have spent a lot of years with a foot in both worlds so to speak giving me a unique perspective. After MUCH discussion and prayer, we have decided to homeschool all of them this year. I have spent hours reviewing homeschool curricula and making plans. I will also be sharing all of that here, as a way to encourage other new (and old) homeschool families. 

Check back this week with my Kindergarten school plan- including read-alouds and STEM ideas.

I can't wait to dive back in to blogging. I plan to use this blog as a place to share school ideas, literacy and art ideas (helpful regardless of where school is happening), and the stories that unfold in our family of 5. 
