Saturday, January 14, 2012

A year later...

Well, it's official. I have been blogging for a year. I can't believe I am actually still doing it...haha! Those who know me well know that I tend to get a bit distracted from projects! So yay for a year!

A lot has happened in the year since I started this blog, and it is still mostly about Beckett. Part of me can't believe it is a year later, and we are still here. I was hoping by now it would have moved to more of the typical family blog, but for now, we continue to primarily update on Beckett.

I am so thankful that I started this as a way to journal our days, his progress, our trials, and our blessings. It is neat to be able to look back at the last year and see God's faithfulness in our lives. And it is a reminder to myself that if I could have peace in knowing that God has a perfect plan for our little man when he was being treated for reflux and failure to thrive, then I can still have the same peace when he is being treated for much more. It's been a tough couple of weeks. This week I spoke with or coordinated with our pediatrician (several times), our GI, neurology, cardiology, the Cystic Fibrosis Specialist, Early Childhood Intervention, and the speech language pathologist. It's overwhelming. It was one of those weeks where it hits home that we are not in Italy. I am still not sure where on earth we are, but we are definitely not in Italy. (Click here for an explanation of this analogy in a past post.) This is not what most one year old's weeks look like. I no longer spend my days obsessing over nap schedules and the things that felt so important when Brant was a toddler. My days are now spent carefully dosing several drugs, endlessly counting calories, hoping for a dirty diaper so we can avoid an irrigation, bleaching everything, speaking with doctors and nurses, searching for answers and treatment and wishing I had a fax machine. (I can't figure out for the life of my why the medical world is still insisting on this method of communication, but I digress.) it was just one of those weeks.

And just like God was bigger than reflux and FTT a year ago, God is bigger than this today. Things might get easier or harder, and we might have good days and bad days, but regardless, God is unchanging. He is the same God today that He was a year ago. I am so thankful. Thankful that He will always be our God, the Almighty One.

"I am the Alpha and the Omega --the beginning and the end," says the Lord God. "I am the one who is, who always was, and who is still to come--the Almighty One." Revelation 1:8

Thank you for praying for us and checking on us over this last year. We are blessed.

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