When asked what he wants to be when he grows up (or even when not asked, but always willing to share the information), Brant responds with a very admirable list. Paleontologist, train conductor, house builder, astronaut, football player and daddy. And it's an "all of the above" situation, not picking one, but accomplishing ALL. :) It melts my heart every time I hear him rattle off his list...It changes slightly from time to time, but for the most part, he is always dreaming big with a nice array of scientific occupations, the occasional athlete...and daddy. Precious. I am thankful for this in so many ways.

It took Brant a little while to warm up to the dinosaurs and decide to smile for the camara, but once he did, he had a blast posing with each of them! What a goofball!

He loves his adventures! We are so thankful for this little boy who challenges us. We love our conversations about his buddies, his dreams, his fears, his loves...I am so thankful to have a four year old son who can share his heart with me. And I pray that someday I have a fourteen year old son who can still share with us...but one day at a time!

There might be days sometimes that I "miss" the younger years in a way--Oh, how this tired mom misses naptime!--but then I look at this little boy who is growing up right before my eyes, and I know it is a blessing! I love listening to him as he creates a whole world out of his train set or "reads" his newest favorite book. He cracks me up when he says "Paleontologists, LIKE ME, know aaaall about dinosaurs." He melts my heart when he says, "Daddy, your a hero." I won't lie--Its not all lovely, and there are new challenges that come with being a big boy- saying goodbye to naps is a bit exhausting, giving more freedom can be terrifying, and teaching can be daunting. And honestly, there are days that I am ready for bedtime at about 5:00 pm. :) But Game On. This is a good thing. I can't wait to share more adventures with my big boy.
He is a precious, precious boy! Ya'll are doing a great job!!