Monday, April 2, 2012

Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind

Before bedtime, Brant and I will often read stories out of his storybook Bible, The Beginners Bible. We have read that book cover to cover several times, and it is actually falling apart. my prayer for Brant is that he will continue to have this desire to learn about God and His Word. Here is a story from The Beginners Bible that replays in my head:

Jesus Heals a Blind Beggar
John 9:1-12

Jesus and his disciples saw a blind beggar. He had been blind since he was born. The disciples asked Jesus, "Teacher, did this man sin? Or did his parents? Is that why he is blind?"

"No one sinned," said Jesus. "This happened so that God's work could be shown in his life." Then Jesus spit on the ground and made mud out of it with his hands. he gently spread the mud on the blind man's eyes.

Then Jesus told the man, "Go to the Pool of Siloam and wash off the mud."

As soon as the mud was washed off, the man could see! Everyone was amazed. They wanted to find out more about Jesus.

This is a very abridged version of John, chapter 9, but each and every time Brant and I read this story, the line strikes me..."This happened so that God's work could be shown in his life."

I think anyone who is struggling may wonder, "why?" And there it is, "...But this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life." John 9:3

I think suffering is a part of living in a fallen world, and God can use even the suffering to display HIS work in our lives. It somehow figures into the sovereign purpose and plan of God.

That takes away some of the fear and the what-ifs of it all. Whatever it may be, the work of God can be shown in his life...and the last line of the story, Everyone was amazed. They wanted to find out more about Jesus...

I cannot for a minute think that Beckett's struggles (and i recognize that there are others with much bigger struggles) in his 1.5 years have been for nothing. I must believe that it is to show the work of God. Our God is bigger. Our God has an amazing plan for Beckett, for Brant, for our family. I will share something else about what God has done for Beckett soon. He is at work here, and He is at work half way across the country. Everywhere.

This is amazing. This is our God. I will try to get to the point quickly.

Throughout the last year, I have met other parents who have children that struggle with similar health problems as Beckett. Most of our children all have different diagnoses or are undiagnosed, but we all have children who struggle with digestion and landed at Cincinnati Children's Hospital. One teenage girl calls it, "intestinally challenged." I think that as humans we have a need to find others like us...basically, to run in a pack. We don't want to feel alone in our fights. And when you are putting tubes in every which way of your child, it can be easy to feel alone and long to meet other people who just "get it." This is a special need...a unique one. But yes, it's a special need. One of the mothers that I met this year has a daughter close in age to our Beckett. We very quickly formed a unique friendship. She lives in Ohio. Here is her story tonight: (for the full post and to read more about this family's journey and prayer requests, please click here:
So first and foremost, welcome to the blog. I am beyond touched at the number of people my rambling thoughts have had the power to reach. I never imagined when I started it, that we would be anywhere near where we are today, but what a testimony! God has been walking with us, nurturing us to prepare us for this journey since long before we were even a family. For those who have shared the page with their friends and family in order to lift us up in prayer, it means so much to us. I have been in awe that total strangers would repost our prayer request or ask their church community to pray for a tiny baby 10 states away who they will never know.

On with the story:I am a part of a support group of parents whose children are bound by one unifying factor, we all have kids with serious medical issues that led us to a single place: Cincinnati Children's Hospital. These wonderful, strong people (as well as our SNaMCK family) have acted as our cheerleading squad time and time again. Only a handful of us have ever met in person, and of those, most took place for 10 minutes in a hospital cafeteria between appointments. There is an amazing sense of camaraderie among us despite varying diagnoses and outcomes.

I got a message tonight from Suzanne, one of the parents in that Cincinnati support group, saying she had been called to pray tonight in SOUTH FLORIDA for one little babygirl.... named Audrina Dick in Ohio. This brought tears to my eyes. Someone, somewhere, cared enough to pray for a stranger's child. And then they told someone, who told someone, and now those who lift our family in prayer are running into others who do as well. All of this, over 1000 miles away.... I'm simply in awe. And for that story to get back to me, just totally warmed my heart on this day of struggles.So again, welcome and thank you for taking the time to join us on our journey. Please feel free to repost, share the link, and comment as you wish. Writing this is my 'therapy' and we welcome your support and guidance. If you want to learn more about our family, click on the Chasing Zebras tab to read the condensed version of our very blessed life for the past year and a half.

In faith,Kim
Our God is huge. People across a nation lifting up a child in prayer. And it getting back to the mom to encourage and comfort her when she is feeling down and overwhelmed. He's awesome. He's holding them in his arms.

The work of God is being displayed. Everywhere. And all around us. Even in the suffering.


  1. Some days our board is all that gets me thru:) You said it so perfectly!


  2. Michelle, I feel the same way! I am so thankful for all the friends that we have made that can help us through this, and it is so amazing the way God has led us all to each other to have a support system.
