Our little man is the big 1.5!! He is a precious little boy, and I am so thankful for him. He is officially a walker! Yay for Beckett! We are very proud of him, and now mommy is getting more exercise, too! :) His balance seems to be improving, too.
Beckett is seeming much more like a toddler and much less like a baby. Yay! He is getting bigger every day. I was actually putting a pair of pajamas on him yesterday, and they were too short!! We will officially measure him on Tuesday, but I am guessing that his length has increased some. He has also hit the 20 lb mark this month! This is big for us! He is really growing and we are so thankful.
Beckett has such a funny and social personality. He loves to laugh and be part of the activity. This week we went on a field trip with Brant's preschool class, and Beckett loved making everyone smile. And Brant enjoyed showing him off. :) He told everyone to look at his baby and how he was walking. He also tells people what Beckett is trying to say in his own little language. It is pretty priceless.
We are continuing his night feedings through his NG feeding tube with his 30 calories per ounce formula. This is many more calories per ounce than something like whole milk, which has about 18 calories per ounce. They seem to want to keep him on this formula for quite a while. He also started the pancreatic enzymes. We are hopeful that his growth is going to continue from here. We are so happy to watch him grow and develop into this a little boy.
Here is a bit about Beckett at 18 months:

Happy boy! He loves playing in the pillows! He is also sporting one of his new cloth diapers. We have been able to slowly buy him new cloth diapers after the great c.diff clean out. His c.diff seems to be gone! Praying that it stays gone!

He also really likes playing in the water. He gets very excited any time he sees water and laughs,
squeals, and repeats, "
lalala" (water). (A mosquito got him on his head...)

This little boy (He looks like such a little boy in this picture!) really likes to just stand and let the sprinkler hit him. He loves it actually. Polar opposite of his brother at this age. It is amazing how different, but also how alike they are.

On the move! Look at him go! He is into everything and seems to have no fear at all.

He seems to spend much of his day here.

Evidence that he is still on a bottle at 18 months...but that's okay. I am just thankful that he will take some formula by mouth. It is still very good for him to drink it so we don't mind how he gets it...and neither do the doctors. :) I have actually mentioned it to them a couple times, and their response is,
"why?" So, yes, he still has his "

He seems to enjoy crawling into boxes. The problem is how to get out?!?

Messy food! He gave up on using the spoon and decided that scooping it up with his hands was much quicker and more efficient. But we will continue to try to learn to use the spoon! I typically still spoon feed him his food to make sure he actually eats it. He self feeds cheerios and other small crunchy snacks. We are working on his grasp using just his thumb and pointer finger. He prefers to just use his whole hand to grab at food and shove it into his mouth. But we are so thankful that he is eating!! It is such a blessing! Many children with his digestive issues do not want to eat or self-feed.
We are so thankful for our sweet boys and are really enjoying watching them grow up. Thank you for all the prayers for Beckett over the last 1.5 years. We appreciate them and are thankful for friends and family like you. Thank you.
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