Sunday, January 16, 2011

Becoming a "Tubie"

So, I have learned that "tubie" is the affectionate term the community of tube feeding uses for their children who are fed via a NG tube, NJ tube, G tube, or GJ tube. I really never knew there were so many types of tubes. This week, Beckett, became a tubie...It is not permanant, as with many tube-fed children. It is a means to make sure he is getting the nutrition he needs to help his development while we continue to look for answers. Getting his tubie placed was quite the ordeal. There were MANY conversations between me and our specialist, PCP, and home health. Beckett was quite the little trooper. He did not cry at all when the nurse put it in. He did not crank up until we had to tape it down. We finally got it all taken care of and Beckett got his NG tube. At night we hook him up to a machine that pumps his Elecare formula into him at a slow rate for 8 hours. Please pray that Beckett will gain weight rapidly and "catch up." Please pray also that he does not become tube-dependent. This can happen sometimes when kiddos realize that they are getting full all night long without putting forth any effort. They slowly become less and less interested in daytime feeding via bottles thus decreasing daytime input. We want Beckett to get his additional nutritional needs met with his tube, but not get to the point where he will not feed orally. Thanks for checking in!
I will do more backtracking on how we got to this point, soon. But I just wanted to post this update for now.

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