While we were at TCH, Halloween came and went. Some of the babies were dressed up in Halloween costumes, but since we didn't think we would be there, we didn't pack Becketts. I still need to take his picture in his costume. Anyways, Brant stayed with Aunt Kristin and Uncle Davis. Kyle, Kristin, and Davis took Brant and Annalise to a Fall Festival at their church. Brant was very proud of his train conductor costume this year. He had to pose for a pic!

This is Beckett after he got his feeding tube on Saturday. He wasn't sure what to think of it. They put it in and then after an x-ray, they realized it needed to be moved. I think it was a little traumatizing to him to have that done not once, but twice in a day!

Beckett got lots of X-rays while we were there. He was kind of dancing on the table in this pic!

Notice the tape on Brant's upper lip. He decided he needed a moustache like Beckett! What a sweet big brother. I am so proud of Brant.

Finally sleeping. Sweet baby didn't get much sleep because of all the testing and just not feeling good. We were always thankful (still are) when Beckett sleeps.
Please continue to pray for this little guy. In many ways, putting the NG tube in kind of feels like we are back at square 1. We were hoping that everything would kind of take off when we left the hospital with the change in formula and meds. Instead, I have ended up on the phone with his GI nearly once a week with new and different challenges and questions. He does seem to feel good more often. He smiles and laughs. He is very ticklish-especially aorund his neck. He tolerates "tumy time" a little better and his neck is getting stronger and stronger. He can lift his head really well now. But you can tell that something is definitely still bothering him. Hopefully, after the catch up from this tube placement, he really will take off!
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