Monday, January 31, 2011

Tubie No More...or At Least For Now

So, after 2 weeks with the NG tube (and little to no sleep), I pushed to get the okay to pull the tube. I have learned how to be a bit of a pushy mom sometimes. Because he was taking in the appropriate volume of formula orally, I felt as though the tube was doing more harm than good, so at least for the time being, B's little face is tape-free! Woo-Hoo!

The tube went up his nose, down his throat, and into his tummy. His nostril was very irritated and it even looked as if some mold was forming in the tube. This type of tube is supposed to be changed weekly and every 2 weeks at the latest. We pulled the tube and opted not to put a new one down for now. His oral intake had increased substantially, so the continuous feed was really no longer needed. His GI agreed that we could stop using the pump and just feed B orally. However, she did want us to leave the tube in until he showed significant weekly gains. I decided that there was no sense in leaving the tube in if we weren't using it and it just irritated him. We can easily get a new one placed if needed, but I wanted to give my little guy a break, and I feel confident in his ability to take the appropriate amount by mouth. We will see how it goes. I am very thankful that we are all sleeping a lot better around here now! B is no longer waking upset every hour, and I think the increased continuous sleep could really help him grow as well! Let's not underestimate the power of sleep!!! (This coming from someone who LOVES sleep...)

At B's last weight check, he had only gained 5 ounces in 9 days with the feeding tube and continuous feeds. This is not the catch up that his doctors were hoping for. They were hoping for at least an ounce per day. He was taking in huge amounts of high calorie formula for his size to allow for catch up, so I am really not sure why he didn't gain more. Maybe it was because he wasn't sleeping...? You burn more calories when you are awake afterall. I am hoping that this week he will pass the 12 lb mark. I think he will!

His 4 month stats:
weight 11.75 lbs
height 24 inches
head 16 inches?? I think..does that sound right? I will double check on that next time I am there...

OK, and now for a funny Brant story. Tonight, we are just playing in the living room, and he asks, "Am I still going to be Brant when I grow up?" and "Is Beckett still going to be Beckett when he grows up?" I tell him yes and yes. You will always be Brant, etc... And he proceeds to tell me that when they are bigger, he and Beckett will always be best best friends. How sweet is that? Tonight, he was also wondering why we have fingers...Oh, the mind of a 3 year old! It's pretty amazing, really.

Have a Happy Monday! Thanks for reading!

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